
Books from the Author

Surviving the Hurt
Fiona Lane

Fiona Lane

Author, Speaker, Children’s Services and Grief Counsellor.

She is recognized as an expert in the fields of Children’s Services, Child Care, Counselling and Grief Management for children.

Fiona is the author of ‘When My Friend Died – How to Talk To Children About Death’. For more than a decade Fiona has dedicated herself to the Child Care sector and holds a Diploma in Children’s Services, Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, Diploma in Counselling and Diploma in Family Intake. She has spoken to hundreds of health care professionals on the topic of post natal depression and has worked extensively with children over an extensive period assisting in identification, implementation strategies, processing and providing grief support.

Fiona has travelled extensively in over 15 countries including places such as America, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Moscow, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, just to name a few. As a former Police officer, she is no stranger to grief and the effects it can have on children and their families and says that ‘Grief and snowflakes are the same. No two are the same and no one knows how long they will last’.

She encourages facing this ‘non-discriminate being’ and gently assisting children with expressing their grief. Fiona expands on the 7 stages of death and how some children and adults can become trapped in a particular stage if grief isn’t addressed. She also tackles the hard questions such as ‘How can I talk to my children about death when I am so consumed by my own grief?’and teaches ways to gently emerge from the spiraling emotions associated with grief.

Fiona lives in Torquay, Australia with her two children Kayde and Tiana.

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