
Books from the Author

Energise Your Career
Kristine Martin-McDonald

Kristine Martin-McDonald

International author, speaker, professor, educator, academic and nursing and interprofessional expert.

She is the international author of the book ENERGISE YOUR CAREER. HOW A WOMAN CAN HAVE THE SUCCESS SHE WANTS. She is recognised as an expert in the fields of Interprofessional Education, Nursing, Qualitative Research and Mentoring. As a leading educational professor, Kristine worked her way to the top of her field and through her inspiring visions has caught the attention of funding bodies for ground-breaking innovations worth $26 million implemented within the university and health care service contexts.

Kristine now turns her passion for teaching into a quest to inspire individuals from all walks of life, both locally and internationally, Dr Kristine Martin-McDonald enabling them to reach their full potential. In particular, Kristine wants to show women how to advance their careers by helping them to increase their confidence and knowledge with positive psychology and feminine practices.

She talks about the innate wisdom of women because of its power in guiding them to success, fulfillment and happiness. Kristine is highly qualified in many areas with a PhD in Medical Anthropology, Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing), Master of Education and is a Registered Nurse. For more than 2 decades, Kristine has been a full-time university academic and lectured around the world at leading universities as a professor. She has developed curricula across a broad spectrum of content as well as specialised in research units.

Kristine has authored numerous journal articles, books and grants and delivered keynote speeches, both nationally and internationally and has received the prestigious recognition of the most outstanding research manuscript from the International Nephrology Nursing Journal. Over the years, Kristine has held a variety of executive positions in councils, associations and governance committees including the Council of Deans of Nursing, Australia and Dean and Head of School, Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria University. She has lived, travelled or taught internationally in over 12 countries such as the USA, South Africa, Canada, Japan, China, New Zealand and Namibia just to name a few. Kristine is the mother of two boys and lives in New South Wales, Australia.

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