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Book Details:


Beggars Can Be Choosers


Author: Lynika Cruz

A remarkable and compelling, true story of strength and courage within the human spirit in the face of enormous adversity. Life changing and inspirational, this book offers incredible insight into how you too can transform and redefine your life through your choices and not your circumstances. The authors unforgettable, personal account of overcoming abandonment as a 14-year-old schoolgirl, left to live on the streets with nothing more than a small bag of clothes, some fruit, a few dollars and one book.

In this book you’ll discover:

  • 7 words that saved her life in the darkest hours
  • Remarkable transformational lessons for conquering incredible odds
  • How to breakthrough uncertainty and doubt and make them work for you
  • How to avoid painful mistakes that drain your self esteem and sabotage your right to success
  • 3 powerful reasons to distrust the stories you tell yourself and the stories you’ve been told
  • How you can start to turn your life around in just minutes
  • The essential key to unlocking the door to your success
  • Four ways to power-start the real authentic you into claiming and championing your life

About the Author

Lynika Cruz
International Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Writing Coach, Published Poet, CopystylistLynika is an international author and is recognised as a leading specialist in the areas of writing, motivational speaking, coaching and copystyling. She is passionate about helping people make more compelling choices and creating more empowerment and success in their lives. As the founder and CEO of “Words to Wealth” she speaks and consults around the world.

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