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Book Details:


Closer Secrets

Build Your Sales Team, Master the Process

Most of us are taught the importance of having wealth, the value of money. But we are rarely taught the importance of having the discipline to sell.

Closer Secrets will help to break past amateur sales techniques and provide insight into powerful ways to create a tribe and master a process to close more deals. Not only how to break through but learn to embrace it and love it.

This book is designed to dive into the heart of the sales floor and get results. The more we listen, love, and learn, the more we earn!

Polishing techniques provided in Closer Secrets will help you present create a process with potential for major scalability and also present yourself in a way that people can’t afford not to buy.

This book will help to gain insight on how to:

  • Hire superstars
  • Maximise every lead
  • Give you tools that create confidence
  • A process that will eliminate trial and error
  • The right way to eliminate chargebacks or cancellations

About the Author

Randall Grizzle
Randall Grizzle grew up in a small town in the middle of Idaho. Graduated from a small high school and played football at a small college in Montana. But there is nothing small about Randall. He is a hard worker who has a tremendous love for people. It’s his desire to help others that has propelled his success with his marriage, family and career ambitions.

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