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Book Details:


Kangaroo Island

100 Years of Farming on a Tourism Landscape

Australia is one of the most spectacular places in the world to visit due to its Amazing Beaches, Wildlife, Farming History, and its Outback harshness and beauty. Nestled within Australia is a piece of island paradise called Kangaroo Island, located off the South Australian Coastline. Kangaroo Island is a pristine environment and a worldwide travel destination. This book is an insight into Kangaroo Island “the destination”, accompanied by a pioneering farming story. Stranraer Homestead is a 3200-acre farming property on Kangaroo Island, operating as a Bed & Breakfast since 1996, where tourists can enjoy farming and the environment in one location.

This book reflects on 100 years of farming, on the childhoods of people who are passionate with this land development, on the island’s natural resources and pristine environment that attracts people from all over the world to go exploring the beautiful and the stunning scenery and premier tourist locations that Australia has to offer. International author, speaker and farming / land management expert, Jason Wheaton helps you discover what life was and is like for the people on the land and also how you too can discover the beauty held within Kangaroo Island.

You’ll discover:

  • Australia’s most spectacular wildlife and stunning beaches
  • The history behind Australia’s iconic and historical Stranraer Homestead which offers exclusive and luxury accommodation to local and international guests
  • Breathtaking scenery and marine life
  • 100 years of farming history and evolution
  • Essential travel tips for visiting Kangaroo Island
  • The top tourist spots that you can’t afford to miss when visiting the island
  • Stunning photography and scenery

About the Author

Jason Wheaton
Author, Speaker, Educator, and Sustainable FarmerJason is a leading specialist in sustainable farming having managed the family mixed production farm (lamb, wool and cropping) on Kangaroo Island for over 10 years.

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