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Book Details:


Winning Horsemanship

A Judge’s Secrets and Tips for Your Success

Learn How To Cultivate And Hone That Winning Edge

Have you ever dreamed of taking your horsemanship to the next level; have you ever left the arena thinking you could have done better – or wondering why you didn’t? International author, horse riding champion and judge Joanne Verikios shares her years of expertise and experience
in this insightful book. Winning Horsemanship will show you how to achieve the success you desire and deserve. Learn how to master yourself, your horse and the secrets of winning!

A Judge’s Secrets And Tips For Your Success WINNING HORSEMANSHIP

You’ll discover:

  • How to double your enjoyment of your horse…in and out of the arena
  • Tips and secrets of successful ring craft used by top trainers and riders
  • How to avoid painful, costly mistakes that can hold you back – or get you hurt
  • The psychology of confidence (and how to share it with your horse)
  • How simple changes in what you think can change the way your horse behaves
  • 7 proven steps to prepare your horse for any competition
  • Subtle ways to take control and say goodbye to poor performance forever

About the Author

Joanne Verikios
Author, Health and Lifestyle Consultant, Athlete, and Real Estate InvestorJoanne Verikios is an accomplished author, trusted health and lifestyle consultant, experienced horse breeder and trainer, award-winning athlete, and successful real estate investor.Having received her first pony at the age of nine, Joanne’s earliest ambition in life was to be a bareback horse rider in a circus. Although she never ran off to join the circus, after working her way through the Pony Club ranks, she earned the qualification of Pony Club instructor at the age of sixteen. One of the many highlights of her early riding career was being a member of the Downs Pony Club team that won the Duke of Edinburgh Pony Club Games Championship in 1972.

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