Barbara Kumm
Born in Melbourne, Barbara exhibited a free spirit and thirst for knowledge on food and travel from a very early age. She travelled extensively with her parents during her formative years, then took herself to Europe and the UK on a working holiday, after completing her school studies.
Barbara has worked for very many organisations in the travel sector (far too many to own up to!). This work experience has included airlines, travel agencies, hotels, tour operators and boutique accommodation providers. Amongst the more notable awards that Barbara earned during her travel career was the opportunity to travel from Melbourne to London to attend a gala dinner, and then return on the next plane out!
Other achievements include running a global cruising tour for several years, developing and running her own travel agency, a number of managerial roles with leading global agencies and most importantly successfully raising two very special children.
Barbara also managed to spend several years with World Vision, enabling her to further expand on her travel opportunities while visiting and evaluating numerous field projects. She is currently working in a new venture, Cruise Marketer which is promoting and delivering a number of seminars on cruise liners.