
Books from the Author

Money Rules
Nobby Kleinman

Nobby Kleinman

Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Internet Marketer and Business Consultant

Nobby Kleinman retired at age 54 leaving behind him a successful 20 years as a financial planner and

insurance specialist adviser. During his career he worked with thousands of clients and corporate fund members providing personalised advice and strategic planning, and was often recognised for his achievements in the fields of expertise and innovation of business practices.

Since returning to “work” he has been a mentor to a number of people in start-up businesses, as well as an inspiration to those who have been looking for something out of the box rather than conventional thinking. Although he spends many hours doing personal research and education, he rarely gets involved in office work, and can be regularly found either at his computer, or travelling abroad.

Although he has spent much time providing inspiration to others, he has found the time to write a number of books and is best known for developing financial programs from simple ideas. While many people often ask the question of why, Nobby looks for the ways and answers of how to, and then searches for a solution.

True to his entrepreneurial spirit, Nobby is not one to settle for convention, and will often look for ways in which something can be improved or explained in more simple ways. He detests the rules of law which often favour the few, while the many will generally suffer because of ignorance, all the while believing there must be a better way, yet not moving beyond the comfort zone of their current lifestyles to find out what it is.

Often educating himself, Nobby will then look to see how he can pass on that education to those with whom he associates, and freely uses technology to assist others. Since taking up the cudgels to “work” again. Nobby has written 4 books and intends to have a number more to come.

Amongst his greatest achievements since getting started again is the development of his Money Rules program. He has a fervent desire to help as many people as he can get out of debt and on the road to financial freedom. Not being satisfied with just one program, Nobby developed a further two programs so that he could assist even more people strive toward achieving financial independence.

As if managing these ideas wasn’t enough, he has also opened a company in the Philippines where he is working with the local Information, Communication and Technology community. Opening an office and employing the local talent is providing a doorway for them to the outside world and helping to lift the economy and engaging the young people of the country. Nobby’s work has spread nationally and globally, and taken him to many countries. He is determined to make sure that as many people as possible will benefit from his thinking, while he is continually learning about how he can assist in the lives of others.

Nobby leads a private life with is partner Carolyn in the suburbs of Melbourne Australia.

The mantra by which he lives his daily life is …… “If it is to be, it is up to me!”

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