
Books from the Author

How To Raise Kids With Integrity
Trish Corbett

Trish Corbett

Author, life coach and entrepreneur

Her first job was as a typesetter in the art department of a local printing company.

After that, she had various jobs as a typesetter and desktop publisher for a variety of companies and universities.

After many years, she decided that she had enough of those fields. That’s when Trish moved on to become an office manager and ultimately a personal assistant for hospital executives.

Fortunately, the time she spent working at universities and hospitals allowed her to broaden her skills and further her education by taking several courses. Trish has also earned a Welfare Certificate and a Public Relations Certificate. Additionally, she is a qualified Myers Briggs Facilitator.

Inspired by her prior careers, Trish started her own company. Through Ethical Foundations, she works as a life coach and Virtues Project facilitator. She believes that both roles sync in a way that enables her to be an effective author and share her message to a wider audience.

Her volunteer activities include telephone counselling for Lifeline and coaching high school students as a Max Potential Coach.

Trish Corbett is the author of How To Raise Children With Integrity and lives in New South Wales, Australia.

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