
Books from the Author

Succeed Over Fear
Robert Whittle

Robert Whittle

Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Business Consultant

Robert is a seasoned business executive entrepreneur, author and business consultant.

He’s passionate about helping people become more successful and teaches them on how to overcome life’s challenges both personally and professionally.

Robert is the CEO of Spillrite Pty Ltd. He’s also the Entrepreneur who master minded the design & development of a specialized explosion proof vacuum systems for the Australian Defence Force and many of Australia’s top companies. His industrial vacuum company, Spillrite, sells its products worldwide.

For the Past 2 decades Robert has worked, travelled, consulted and spoken to thousands of people in over 100 countries from CEO’s of Fortune 500 Companies, Business owners, authors and other successful world leaders. He’s worked with companies such as Australian Defence Department, Rio Tinto, Arnott’s Biscuits, Mobil Oil, Shell, Kellogg’s, Dulux, Qantas just to name a few.

He is the Author of “Succeed Over Fear – Panic Attacks” and is currently writing the others in the “Succeed Over Fear” series of books. Robert has experienced panic attacks firsthand and has had to overcome them due to the large amount of international travel he has done in his career.

Robert has also appeared in the media many times and has written dozens of articles which have been published in newspapers and magazines nationally and internationally, which has made him a sought after speaker and consultant on the international stage.

Robert lives in Queensland, Australia with his wife Carrie-Anne and two daughters Jumeirah Scarlett and Qiana Ruby.n and Amber live in Sydney with their two sons Zack and Blake.

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